Please try the following in ParaViS:
1. Load the result in "mode" format (and not with "time"), then click "Apply".
Tick "Generate vectors" if visualizing a 2D result.
2. Apply the filter "Normal modes animation (real)" (or "complex") and validate.
3. Display the "Animation view" panel (menu View > Windows > Animation View)
4. Add an animation for the aforementioned filter by clicking on "+" next to the line "Normalmodesanimationreal"
5. Put the animation in cyclic mode by clicking the right button in the tool bar then launch the animation by clicking "Play"
6. In the properties panel of the filter, one may change the displayed natural mode by using the combo-box and clicking "Apply"
/!\ Beware that changing the animated natural mode does not change the coloring of the mesh, hence the mapping of the magnitude of displacement may not be consistent if you do not pay attention./!\