Hello Jean-Pierre,
You're fully right, the geometry is responsible of this problem. I continued my calculation with a simplified geometry and, indeed, it was OK. Further to that, my client changed it's own geometry for many production reasons, still complex with a lot of fillets and radii but with larger dimensions. It works well.
In fact, after creating / modifying the geometry using Rhino3D, I export in step format and all those details are not fully correct and reliable. It's clearly visible in the geometry module of Salome_Meca. Using the new client's geometry with large radii, the export file is clean and the meshing accordingly. I think that in some cases, we reach the limitation to Netgen mesher. I didn't try yet to mesh using gmsh, I only use it as a very friendly post processor.
I think that, unless we use integrated software like Solidworks or eventually Catia which interfaces very well with Abaqus or Nastran, we have to consider some simplification in our designs to avoid such problems ...
Anyway, I will try your suggestions to understand how those commands work and what happens then ...
Many thanks for your answer. If you're still in the same geographical area (working on your fabulous projects), I will not hesitate to stop by to say hello ...
All the best,