Hello BGS,
I started calculation with your Stage_1.comm and CableMesh.med and get an error after MECA_STATIQUE started (I copied this from terminal)
# Résultat commande #0010 (MECA_STATIQUE): reslin ('<00000009>') de type <ElasticResult>
# Mémoire (Mo) : 803.76 / 803.75 / 47.81 / 36.57 (VmPeak / VmSize / Optimum / Minimum)
# Fin commande #0010 user+syst: 0.00s (syst: 0.00s, elaps: 0.01s)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "fort.1", line 101, in <module>
File "/opt/salome_meca/V2022.1.0_scibian_univ/tools/Code_aster_stable-1560/lib/aster/code_aster/Supervis/ExecuteCommand.py", line 172, in run
return cmd.run_(**kwargs)
File "/opt/salome_meca/V2022.1.0_scibian_univ/tools/Code_aster_stable-1560/lib/aster/code_aster/Supervis/ExecuteCommand.py", line 224, in run_
File "/opt/salome_meca/V2022.1.0_scibian_univ/tools/Code_aster_stable-1560/lib/aster/code_aster/Commands/meca_statique.py", line 71, in exec_
materialField = keywords["CHAM_MATER"]
KeyError: 'CHAM_MATER'
This error is not in .mess file. Just in last line in mess file is:
So I changed MECA_STATIQUE to:
reslin = MECA_STATIQUE(CHAM_MATER=fieldmat,
then I rerun calculation, and get another error after MECA_STATIQUE:
Le système linéaire à résoudre a 12015 degrés de liberté:
- 12003 sont des degrés de liberté physiques
(ils sont portés par 4001 noeuds du maillage)
- 12 sont les couples de paramètres de Lagrange associés
aux 6 relations linéaires dualisées.
La matrice est de taille 12015 équations.
Elle contient 60060 termes non nuls si elle est symétrique et 108105 termes non nuls si elle n'est pas symétrique.
Soit un taux de remplissage de 0.075 %.
Degré de liberté physique associé au noeud N4001 et à la composante DZ.
║ ║
║ Problème : la matrice est singulière ou presque singulière : ║
║ Lors de la factorisation de la matrice, on a rencontré un problème ║
║ (pivot nul ou presque nul) à la ligne 12015 qui correspond au degré de liberté donné ║
║ ci-dessus. ║
this error is in .mess file too.
So there is something wrong with model.
It is a straight line 4000 segments long. Segments are modeled like BARRE. I don't now much about BARRE but from test cases, it is used for cable in prestressed beton with just axial force in segment. Every end of a segment should by somehow supported.
With BARRE and MECA_STATIQUE you can do something like this:
With LoadMidNode in Y direction and Gravity in Z direction maybe you can use MODELISATION=POU_D_E?
P.S. In gravity there is:
DIRECTION=(0.0, 0.0, g),
g is obviously typo error maybe like this?:
DIRECTION=(0.0, 0.0, -1.),
So I think that first error:
Copy failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:/.../output.resu.med'
is printed because calculation stopped with error and there are no outputs.