All this happens if MECA STATIQUE is run in a user macro ( [D5.01.02] ) , if you run the same sequence of commands outside the macro everything works correctly.
The python object evol_elas ( = MECA_STATIQUE( ... ) ) does not inherit some methods and attributes ( getModel,userName... ) called by other commands ( CALC_CHAMP, CREA_CHAMP ... etc ) . The MECA_STATIQUE command works perfectly, the result object is the problem.
If I run "evol_elas.getModel()" it gives me the error "the object evol_elas does not have the attribute getModel".
The same error appens for "COMB_MATR_ASSE" . I think this problem occurs when a MACRO type command is executed in another MACRO
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/salome_meca/2023.1.0_scibian_univ/tools/Code_aster_stable-1650/lib/aster/code_aster/MacroCommands/", line 55, in macr_myop_matrixs_lba_ops
self.register_result( Ka_tot , NOM_M_KA_TOT )
File "/opt/salome_meca/2023.1.0_scibian_univ/tools/Code_aster_stable-1650/lib/aster/code_aster/Supervis/", line 740, in register_result
orig = result.userName
AttributeError: 'matr_asse_depl_r' object has no attribute 'userName'