having a field of TEMP_REF doesn't even make sense, because coefficients of thermal expansion are not defined in that way. Having seen hundreds of CTE diagrams in my life, I have never seen one in reference to another temperature than 20 or 25°C. And also, you don't have the material data to do this, you would need CTE data for a lot of different TEMP_REFs.
And Maurizio is absolutely right: when there is a temp difference in your part, there will be thermal stresses, always. Also in your real part, these stresses will act on the part when it is ejected from the mold and distort it.
What could work is defining the temp field as initial state for the simulation (at t=0) and start with the mechanical simulation at a later t=1 (or so). When no stresses are given in the ETAT_INIT, they are assumed = 0. Then, only the differences from the ETAT_INIT act on your part. There is for sure also a possibility to set stresses to = 0 at a certain point in time of a simulation,