Mourya_v Similar to the Ansys or any other FEA software, is there a way to generate reports from the code_aster? If yes, please provide the process. Since the report has to be submitted as proof. Right now I am making it in Docs by taking images of the results. Thank you.
mf Mourya_v Hello, a reporting like in Ansys is not possible out of the box. I think, ParaVis could do that (it has a Python API ) but you'd have to write something on your own. Like generating images in ParaVis with API and embedding in a pdf, add Text etc. should be doable, but requires some work, of course. Mario.
Mourya_v mf Hello, Thank you for the suggestion, Mario. The information you have given seems intriguing, so I will investigate. Any tutorial or sample script you could give me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
mf Mourya_v Hello, sorry, I don't have such an example. Maybe you'll find something at the 'usual suspects', GitHub, GitLab and any other 'Git..' maybe have something for you, Mario.