Dear colleagues,
Since I am not being able to add the HDF files, I will try to describe what I'm trying to do literally.
First, the geometry:
The light blue lines are an approximation of a human body, with the apex being the head, modelled with DIS_T and DIS_TR elements.
The green lines are the springs/cushions and are modelled with DIS_TR elements.
The yellow lines are arms, modelled with POU_D_T_GD, as are the rest of the structure.
The nodes connecting the cushions, arms and frame are restrained to have only DRZ free, all the others dofs are enforced to be the same.
At the connection arm/cushion, a mass element (DIS_T) of 25kg is set to represent the tire and parts related.
When I put a movement in the nodes of the tires, the structure deforms wildly, doing loops and all things weird.
My question is: is it possible to use POU_D_T_GD and DIS_TR elements with big displacements?
I hope the system allow me to put it now.
Thank you very much in advance.