i have this very strange error with shell element on 16.5 and 17 linux version of code_aster
it happens on the first TRIA3 element encountered whatever the type of mesh .med, .mail
it does not seems to happen on QUAD element
my first guess is that it fails in building the stiffness matrix of the element
║ ║
║ Erreur numérique (floating point exception). ║
║ ║
║ -------------------------------------------- ║
║ Contexte du message : ║
║ Option : RIGI_MECA ║
║ Type d'élément : MEDKTR3 ║
║ Maillage : 00000001 ║
║ Maille : 4 ║
║ Type de maille : TRIA3 ║
║ Cette maille appartient aux groupes de mailles suivants : ║
║ Shell_2 s1 ║
║ Position du centre de gravité de la maille : ║
║ x=83.265715 y=50.000000 z=0.000000 ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Il y a probablement une erreur dans la programmation. ║
║ Veuillez contacter votre assistance technique.
File "/opt/miniforge/miniforge3/lib/aster/code_aster/ObjectsExt/discretecomputation_ext.py", line 106, in getLinearStiffnessMatrix
matr_elem = self.getElasticStiffnessMatrix(
if i run the same files on 14.6 and 15.2 version it runs smoothly
further note: some files downloaded from this forum seem to run OK on window$ version but fail on my linux version
jean pierre aubry