what problem is your answer regarding to? My singularity file and my working dirs are always in home, this has worked for years now. In this thread, three problems were presented or mentioned (+ the problems Krysztof encountered):
1.) SM2023 always crashes with SIG SEGV in Asterstudy or ParaVis.
2.) SM2024 crashes in Ubuntu22.04 on a specific machine when pressing the '...' button in IMPR_RESU or IMPR_TABLE.
3.) SM2024 with CA17.2mpi does not start simulations, it just stops with an error.
Which problem is solved by binding to /media (a folder I don't use for SM or CA). Is it the second problem with the strange '...' button error?
Regarding your second post: to me, it's not important what they are designed for. I, and many other users, have used them and use them regularly, this works. Why would I launch a second instance to run the sim, if the pressing of a button is enough? There are no parameters for SLURM in this mask.