I feel your pain, I lasted 2 days with salome-meca last year, doesn't work for me.
I installed the windows solver side (windows website, can't remember) and run jobs from the terminal with V16.5.
PrePoMax (PPM) is a copy (pretty much) of Abaqus/CAE (name of its UI). Unfortunately they focused on all for Calculix solver, which I also tested and won't do the job for assemblies for me.
PPM uses a very similar syntax in the input deck (.inp) to Abaqus, which I know for decades. Then I translate this .inp --> code_aster mesh, deck via python. Then hand edits since I find code_aster powerful, but a nightmare on syntax and being able to remember what does what.
My approach is very crude as I tend to use very few building blocks for structural assys, so won't work for other people. I pass on beam & shells, it can (nearly) all be done via tet10, couplings, springs & tied contacts. But that's just my take on it.