I run salome_meca-lgpl-2024.1.0-1-20240327-scibian-11.sif with the shell parameter, but when I try to run astk I have an error:
Singularity> astk
Singularity> <INFO> Optional module not found : tkpng
searched in /opt/salome_meca/V2024.1.0_scibian_univ/tools/Code_aster_frontend-202410/lib/astk/not_defined
Error in startup script: can't create directory "/local00": read-only file system
while executing
"file mkdir "$astk::tmpdir""
(procedure "init_gene" line 96)
invoked from within
"init_gene $root"
(file "/opt/salome_meca/V2024.1.0_scibian_univ/tools/Code_aster_frontend-202410/lib/astk/astk.tcl" line 36)
edit: similar issue with as_run...
Singularity> as_run normal.export
pas d'acccès en écriture dans /local00/tmp/astk_andrea
I'm pretty sure I was able to launch it previously and I don't think I changed something crucial... does anybody know what the issue is?
I'm stuck, any idea will be appreciated 🙁